Our Objectives


  • Bring all agricultural Extension and Advisory Service (AEAS) professionals and other actors in the sector in together to share experiences and lessons in AEAS.
  • Promote the development of Agricultural Advisory Services (AAS) at the National level: linking AAS stakeholders with CAADP processes and to other Regional Networks (the Network of Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services in West and Central Africa (NARAS_WCA), and International Networks involved in AAS, {the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) and the Global Forum for Rural advisory Services (GFRAS)}.
  • Promote the exchange of information on best global practices in agricultural extension and advisory services.
  • To actively interact with Agricultural Research, Technology Dissemination and Adaptation Institutions for the development and dissemination of relevant and proven technologies that will meet the needs of all value chain actors.
  • Identify and exploit the opportunities for providing services in line with best global practices, for both AEAS providers and clients alike.
  • Regulate the activities of all Agricultural Extension and Advisory Service Providers, Individuals, Groups, Corporate, both Public and Private.
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