Dr. Mojisola Fauziyah Oyewole
Mojisola Fauziyah Oyewole is an academic staff of the Human Ecology unit of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Home Economics from Ambrose Ali University Ekpoma, Masters and PhD Degree in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, University of Ibadan.
Dr. Oyewole’s research interest is in food and nutrition security of women and children, addressing malnutrition through the use of locally available food crops, improving nutritional qualities of plant foods to increase utilization and production and food product development. She has over 35 publications in reputable peer-reviewed national and international journals. She has supervised 20 B.Sc., 18 Masters and 1 M.Phil. students. She has carried out so many community services within and outside the University such as organizing Moringa training workshop on Women Empowerment and Income Generating Activities for rural women of Orile Ijaiye Community in Oyo State.
Dr. Oyewole is a member; International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE), Germany; Home Economics Research Association of Nigeria (HERAN); Home Economics Professionals Association of Nigeria (HEPAN); Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON); Rural Sociology Association of Nigeria (RuSAN) ,National Organic Agriculture of Nigeria (NOAN) and Nigerian forum for advisory services (NIFAAS)
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