The 6th Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week (AAEW) shall be held from 5th to 11th November 2023 at Abuja Intercontinental Hotel (Formerly Sheraton Hotel), Abuja, Nigeria. The AAEW 2023 is a flagship event of the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS). The event shall be co-organised and hosted by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural development (FMARD) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Nigeria Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (NIFAAS) and African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS).

The FMARD, AFAAS and NIFAAS invite researchers, practitioners, policymakers, development partners, farmers, and all other stakeholders to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations.

The week-long conference will bring together participants from within and outside Africa including representatives and extension practitioners from governments, development partners, the private sector, youth and women organizations, civil society organizations, farmers and representatives of farmers’ organizations and commodity associations, Country Fora representatives, research and academia to discuss the trends in Agricultural extension and advisory services in Africa. This conference will be a hybrid event with some participants in physical presence while others will join sessions virtually via zoom Meetings.


The Theme for the AAEW2023 is Harnessing Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services in Scaling Regenerative Agriculture and Nature Based Solutions for Food System Transformation in Africa. This theme focuses on the role of agricultural extension and advisory services (AEAS) in promoting sustainable agriculture and agroecology, and in driving food system transformation towards more resilient and inclusive systems.

We welcome submissions on the following sub-themes:

  1. Strengthening Agriculture and Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services (AEAS) Policy Environment and Institutional Frameworks.
  2. Capacitating and Supporting AEAS Demand and Delivery Systems for Access and Quality Improvement.
  • Mobilising AEAS and Research, in Innovation Platforms for Resilient Regenerative Agriculture (RA) & Nature based Agri-production and marketing systems.
  1. Leveraging Digital Potentials for AEAS & RA.
  2. Adopting Inclusive Strategies/Approaches for Service Provision.
  3. Human Capacity Strengthening and improving research and entrepreneurship in AEAS & RA.

Call for Paper and Poster Submissions

Individuals and organisations/institutions are hereby invited to prepare proposals / abstracts of papers or posters on:

  • Topics related to the central theme of the conference or any of the above related sub-themes.
  • Any other extension related proposals or submissions that are not directly related to the conference theme, but are of potential interest and value to conference participants.

Research and philosophically based papers, as well as papers based on practical experience (Case studies, Action research, Success stories and Video based presentations).

Research and philosophically based papers, as well as papers based on practical experience, will be considered. However, proposals / abstracts related to the central conference theme will receive preference.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should clearly articulate the relevance of their work to one or more of the sub-themes, and should demonstrate originality, innovation, and practical applicability. All submissions will be subject to a blind peer-review process, and those selected will be invited to present their work at the conference. The abstract should be submitted in English for Anglophone countries; English and French for Francophone countries; English and Portuguese for Lusophone Countries and Arabic speakers to submit Abstract in English & Arabic   and must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Abstracts must be original work and not previously published or presented at a conference.
  2. The abstract title should be informative, clearly indicating the study’s focus.
  3. The abstract text must be a maximum of 300 words, excluding the title, authors’ names, and affiliations.
  4. The text should be written in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced, and left-justified.
  5. The abstract must have a clear structure, including a brief introduction, methods, results, and conclusions.
  6. Authors’ names should be written in full, and the presenting author’s name should be underlined.
  7. The affiliations of all authors must be included, with the corresponding author’s affiliation indicated by an asterisk.
  8. The email address of the presenting author must be provided for correspondence.
  9. In case of multiple-authored paper, one of the authors must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee before the deadline for registration.
  10. Separate title page should include the title, the name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s) and full contact information (Phone and email).
  11. An indication whether the proposal / abstract is intended as a paper or as a poster presentation.
  12. Submission: Submit Abstract to: aaew2023tech@gmail.comand upload at:
  13. Accepted papers will be reviewed before and after presentation at the conference, and will be published in the Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Extension or Conference Proceedings, as the case may be.


Important Dates

  • 2ndand final call for submissions 15th August – 30th September, 2023
  • Abstract to be submitted on or before September 30th, 2023.
  • Notification of acceptance to be sent to authors on or before October 10th, 2023.
  • Full papers to be submitted on or before October 20th, 2023
  • All accepted presenters to register for the conference and pay the required fee of $100 by October 30th, 2023.


Please Note that submission of an abstract does not guarantee acceptance or registration for the conference.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to engaging with you at the 6th Africa-wide Agricultural Extension Week in Abuja, Nigeria